Visual and auditory hallucinations
Visual and auditory hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations that can occur due to damage to brainstem structures involved in the central auditory pathways may be unformed mechanical or seashell-like noises, voices (although individual words may be indistinct), or music.When brain regions related to auditory integration are involved in the genesis of partial seizures, the seizure discharge can cause auditory hallucinations ranging from elementary sounds to complex hallucinations such as hearing spoken words, phrases, or music.Initial ictal symptoms are often closely related to the physiological functions of the cortical circuits involved with the seizure locus and, consequently, such symptoms can provide localizing information.Postlesional auditory hallucinations resulting from irritative processes (usually seizures) are typically brief (seconds or minutes) whereas those resulting from release mechanisms are typically prolonged (days to months).Postlesional auditory hallucinations after lesions of the central nervous system may be simple (as with subjective tinnitus) or complex (voices or music).

visual and auditory hallucinations

A similar case was reported shortly thereafter by Douglas and Mary Jo Lanska and Mario Mendez in which further support was given for a release mechanism ( 44). They suggested that these might be due to a release mechanism, similar to what occurs with phantom limbs. In 1986, Gregory Cascino and Raymond D Adams (1911-2008) reported three cases of auditory hallucinosis associated with brainstem lesions ( 08). The auditory experiential responses arising from electrical stimulation of the auditory association cortex could be facilitated or inhibited by appropriately placed prior stimulation. There is no longer a sound but a voice, no longer a rumbling but music ( 51). but then, if the electrode is moved only a few millimetres away into the neighbouring cortex around these sensory areas, a response of a totally different order of neuronal organisation may result. in the auditory cortex a ringing, humming or rumbling. There is a sharp functional frontier between the sensory and the interpretative areas. Penfield found that stimulation of the anterior transverse temporal gyrus of Heschl within the Sylvian fissure produced nonlinguistic simple sounds (eg, buzzing or whistling), whereas stimulation of the superior temporal gyrus produced experiential epileptic auditory hallucinations (eg, a voice or voices, music), with some differences between left and right (eg, with a trend for voices to result more often from stimulation of the superior temporal gyrus in the nondominant hemisphere) ( 51 12). Because the hallucinations often appeared to be reenactments of perceptions, Penfield concluded that electrical stimulation could activate engrams of prior experience. These occur most commonly with acute lesions involving the pontine tegmentum.Ĭanadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield (1891–1976) and his associates stimulated the exposed cerebral cortex of patients with uncontrollable neurologic seizures ( 52 51).Īuditory hallucinations occurred only with stimulation of or near the temporal lobe cortex. Auditory hallucinations associated with damage to brainstem structures involved in the central auditory pathways arise from release mechanisms and, consequently, tend to be prolonged and occur in association with central auditory processing disorders, including central hearing loss and impaired sound localization.Partial seizures may cause auditory hallucinations either in isolation during the awake state as a simple partial seizure, or as an aura (ie, the beginning of a symptom sequence leading to impairment of consciousness or a generalized seizure).Those resulting from irritative processes (usually seizures) are typically brief (seconds or minutes), whereas those resulting from release mechanisms are typically prolonged (days to months). Auditory hallucinations associated with lesions of the central nervous system may result from irritative or release processes.

visual and auditory hallucinations

  • Auditory hallucinations associated with lesions of the central nervous system may be simple (as with subjective tinnitus) or complex (voices or music).
  • Consequently, this article excludes various other conditions that can produce auditory hallucinations, including, for example, subjective tinnitus, objective tinnitus, and auditory hallucinations due to psychiatric disease (eg, schizophrenia, mania, psychotic depression, etc.), migraine, dementia, delirium or other acute encephalopathies, hallucinogens, or sensory deprivation. This article describes the various types and locations of central nervous system lesions that can produce auditory hallucinations, either on a “release” or an “irritative” basis.

    Visual and auditory hallucinations